Selasa, 22 November 2011


Tuhan bila masih ku diberi kesempatan, izinkan aku untuk mencintainya. Namun bila waktuku telah habis dengannya, biarkan cinta ini hidup untuk sekali ini saja...


Hey, aku punya sesuatu,
Sudah lama sekali aku menyimpannya,
aku ingin sekali meminjamkannya padamu
Ini terbuat dari bahan yang bagus,
Tidak mudah pecah meski dibanting-banting

Setiap kali kamu mengabaikannya, ia masih terlihat baik
Tapi sebenarnya ada retakan di bagian dalam,
Hati-hati, sekali lagi kamu melakukannya, ia akan remuk
Dan oops,
Kamu baru saja meremukkannya sebagian

Tidak apa-apa, masih ada setengah,
Masih bisa digunakan

Tiba-tiba kau datang padaku, dengan wajah muram
Mengatakan kamu tidak bahagia bersamaku.
Oh, tidakkah kamu tahu,
Baru saja ia remuk seluruhnya

Menganak sungai,
Kamu kembalikan padaku dalam keeadaan remuk
Kamu bertanya apa aku baik-baik saja,
Dan kukatakan, bagaimana bisa?
Itu satu-satunya yang kumiliki.

Aku datang kepada yang membuatkannya untukku,
Hey, inipun pinjaman
Aku meminjamnya
Bagaimana ini, apakah Engkau marah kepadaku?

Tuhan, aku kembalikan kepada-Mu,
Engkau yang membuatnya,
Hanya Engkau yang dapat menyatukannya kembali…
Suatu saat, izinkan aku meminjamkannya
pada ia yang bisa menjaganya

Jumat, 11 November 2011

7 Habits : Real Solutions for Teenager’s Problem

Title                 : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens ( 7 Kebiasaan Remaja yang Sangat
Author             : Sean Covey
Publisher         : Binarupa Aksara
Publication      : 2001
Sum of page    : 356 pages

Having authority but not acting like a teacher—that is my first impression about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens which is written by Sean Covey. This book gives right direction to teenagers about how to change their life to be a success teenager. Yes, this book is a real solution of teenager’s problems.
This book is talked by people in many states. It gives us new glasses how to look at this life. It opens our eyes that we must change our paradigm first, before we change everything in our life. As its title, it offers seven effective habits for teenager like be proactive, make reference to final destination or start with remember the destination, put first things first, think win or win,  seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergize and sharpen the saw.
The important thing here is there are baby’s steps that make the readers can apply what they have read. Different from other motivation books, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is completed with  baby’s steps that make the reader know what have to do, and it really a baby’s step because it is little and easy to do just like baby ways when he doing something. Do not worry, Sean conveied his idea with teenager’s language which make this book not bored to read. There are attractive animations to represent the writer’s idea. There are short inspirative  words in the box and massages that proper to be mused. Also, this book is riched with many nudge stories from teenagers in the world. From writing side, like its size of letter, space, paper; make the reader feel comfort and continue reading with all pleasure. Although its size as like as a dictionary’s size that make someone who have just like reading feels “scare” in begin, but really, when we start to read, it feels like do not want to stop read it!
Hope The Seven Habits of Effective Teens could help you like what it has done to me.
